Campus Data Rankings

We're crowdsourcing open data statistics from around the country.
University Student Group Hackathon Open Data Group API athletics buildings courses dining events housing library map news people printers textbooks transit weather extras
University of Waterloo None Hack the North Open Data Initiative Open Data API
University of Toronto CSSU UofTHacks Cobalt Cobalt APIs
Yale University YaleMakes YHack None Student Developer Portal
Harvard University Open Data Project HackHarvard Open Data Project Data Catalog
University of Pennsylvania Penn Labs PennApps Penn Labs Penn OpenData
Rutgers University USACS HackRU Open System Solutions Rutgers APIs
Columbia University ADI DevFest Open Data Service None
University of Pittsburgh Pitt Computer Science Club SteelHacks None PittAPI
New York University Tech@NYU None None TorchTech NYU
University of Maryland Terrapin Hackers Bitcamp Startup Shell
Brown University None Hack@Brown None Brown APIs
Carnegie Mellon University Scotty Labs TartanHacks None None
Vanderbilt University None VandyHacks None None
Duke University None HackDuke None None
University of Windsor None None None None
California State University of Long Beach ACM None None None
University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez None HackPR None None
Case Western Reserve University None HackCWCR None None
Penn State None HackPSU None None
The College of New Jersey ACM HackTCNJ None None
UC San Diego None SD Hacks None None
University of Kentucky Louisville None Cathacks None None

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