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Member Universities

University of Waterloo

Since 2010, the university-run Open Data Initiative has made publicly available. Easily the widest collection of data-sets, uWaterloo provides over 30 datasets, from building locations to a full list of vending machines, to the weather, wireless access points, and even Goose Spotting.

University of Pennsylvania

Penn Labs(formerly PennApps Labs), started in 2011, is a collaboration between the Student Government, the Provost and the Computer Science Club whose goal is to create, maintain, and improve student-run technology. APIs available to students thus far include the course registrar, dining, campus directory, campus map, transit, and course reviews.

Rutgers University

Rutgers' Open System Solutions has run since 2011 as a collaboration between the university and current students, making available APIS from university shuttle routes to dining schedules and campus events.

HackRU, Rutgers' student-run hackathon, helps publicize the API at each event.

Columbia University

ADI, the Application Development Initiative has worked since 2010 to make life easier for makers at Columbia University. hosts a variety of available APIs, from courses to dining options to housing search. They also collaborated with Columbia University IT to establish the Columbia Open Data Service.

Carnegie Mellon University

Scotty Labs, founded in 2011, has created the apis@cmu project and made course scheduling data available to students. TartanHacks, ScottyLabs' hackathon, offered a preview edition of the API prior to wide release in 2013.

Duke University

HackDuke, Duke's student hackathon, made available an initial set of APIs for Duke students. The initial set ranges from courses to campus events to campus buildings and locations.

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